Inspire® Sleep Apnea Treatment

Inspire® Upper Airway Stimulation is a Federal Drug Administration (FDA) approved treatment that includes an implanted system, and a patient remote. Inspire is indicated for second-line treatment of moderate to severe Obstructive Sleep Apnea in adult patients with an apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) between 15 and 65. Inspire therapy is not intended for patients with a complete concentric collapse at the level of the soft palate, or those in whom central and mixed apneas make up 25% or more of their apnea- hypopnea index.

The Inspire Procedure

The system delivers mild stimulation to the hypoglossal nerve which controls the movement of the tongue and other key airway muscles. By stimulating these muscles, the airway remains open during sleep.

Inspire is inserted under the skin in an outpatient procedure that takes two to three hours. Most patients go home the same day.

The procedure consists of 2 incisions: 1 in the upper right chest where a small device is placed; and 1 just under your chin where the hypoglossal nerve is located.


Inspire therapy has been demonstrated to significantly reduce the severity of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Proper treatment may lead to an increase in the ability to perform daily tasks and a decrease in risks associated with untreated OSA: accidents (e.g., motor vehicle accidents), hypertension, stroke, diabetes, vascular disease, heart failure, and early mortality.

Think You May Have Sleep Apnea?

Are you waking up tired after a night’s sleep? Does your spouse complain about your nighttime noises? You could have sleep apnea.

Take Our Sleep Apnea Assessment

Who Offers This Procedure?

Dr. J. Patrick Lavo, MD
Accepting New Patients
Dr. Kevin A. Moore, II, MD
Accepting New Patients

Get Started

For more information, please call our office or click here.

Please be aware that this information is provided to supplement the care provided by your physician. It is neither intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. CALL YOUR HEALTHCARE PROVIDER IMMEDIATELY IF YOU THINK YOU MAY HAVE A MEDICAL EMERGENCY. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider prior to starting any new treatment or with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.
Willis Knighton Health